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Saturday 4 July 2020

They forecast gold could hit US$3,000 by October 2021.

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The New Gold Boom!!

GOLD word text arranged by gold nuggets on white background, business and industrial concept. Idea royalty free stock photos

It’s no secret gold is soaring.           It’s up 16% since March.                     In the same time, certain Australian gold stocks have jumped 101%, 89% and even 137%.

Image result for Free image of Gold nuggetsBut this run up could be the start of something much bigger!!

In fact, this could be the last time.. in decades you’ll see gold trading this cheap…    

The conditions we’re seeing right now are a perfect storm for gold.
‘ We could be looking at one of the biggest gold booms OF ALL TIME!!
The kind of boom that goes down in history…
Helps early investors who select the right stocks make a fortune…
And could send certain gold investments to the Moon.

Gold recently made a seven-year high — hitting US$1,700 for the first time since 2012.
Here in Australia, the gains are even bigger.
The gold price recently hit AU$2,600 — an all-time high in Australian dollars.
And some gold stocks are flying as a result. Just look:
  • Newcrest — up 50% since 13 March
  • Northern Star Resources — up 70% since 16 March
  • Alacer Gold Corp — up 129% since 23 March
  • Oz Minerals — up 67% since 23 March
  • St Barbara — up 101% since 13 March
  • Ramelius Resources — up 137% since 13 March
                 Buy Australian Gold Nuggets Online | Gem Rock Auctions

Wouldn't You Like To Get Your Hands On Gold Right Now!!

"Consider this… 2020 has seen a record-breaking amount of money flow into gold ETFs.  In the first five months of this year alone, gold ETFs saw inflows of US$33.7 billion."

That beats the record for any single calendar year in history — in just five months!!

All over the world, it seems investors are turning to gold and
this is just the start of a much bigger and sustained move higher and could hit  US$3,000 by October 2021.
That  would be roughly an 80% gain from here, in a little under 18 months.

Frank Holmes, the CEO of US Global Investors, sees gold going even higher.

It’s much easier for central banks to print money,’ he said in late 2019. ‘And as long as that takes place with no checks and controls, then it could go to US$10,000.


Wouldn't You Like To Get Your Hands On Gold Right Now!!

$10,000 gold?   It’s not as crazy as it sounds…!!
 Gold could go to $14,000 before the end of this bull market.
Gold at $14,000 would be — roughly speaking — a 700% gain from here.

Australia is about to become the epicentre of perhaps the biggest gold bull market in history.

                                                        Image result for A free Australia flag and Gold image          
                                                One very simple fact:                                        According to a report by Resources Monitor, Australia is about to overtake China and become the #1 gold producer in the world.

That’s HUGE!!
It would put Australia — and Australian gold mining stocks specifically — right at the heart of a rapidly rising gold market, potentially for years to come.

                                                       Image result for A free Australia flag and Gold image
 That could make some people here a hell of a lot of money $$$$.

  • Gold experts;  Gold veteran Rick Rule…former Pentagon adviser 
  • Jim Rickards…mining legend 
  • Rob McEwen (founder of mining giant Goldcorp)…former Goldman Sachs managing direct 
  • Nomi Prins…and countless others say you should be investing right now to take advantage of the gold bull market that’s just getting started because Gold is a rapidly rising market… 

You need to understand
about today’s crazy markets...

"We’re living through the most extreme government intervention in the financial markets in history". 

                                                 Just consider:
According to Reuters, central banks and governments globally have unveiled an estimated $15 TRILLION in ‘stimulus’ packages to shield their economies from the economic fallout of COVID-19.

That includes tax cuts…extra government spending…new loan guarantees…special ‘furlough’ schemes…even cheques in the mail.

It equates to roughly 17% of the world’s GDP last year.

Be clear: This is government and state intervention on a scale we’ve never seen before.

And it comes on top of interest rates plunging to 0.25% here in Australia…and even lower abroad.

No one quite knows where all this money will come from.

But given that world debt stood at $250 TRILLION in 2019, we can have a good guess.

Most of it will be borrowed.
Failing that, it’ll simply be created out of thin air by central banks.

That’s already happening in the UK. According to the Financial Times, the British government isn’t even bothering to borrow money any more. The Bank of England is simply creating money on demand for the government to spend.

These measures are designed to be ‘temporary and short-term’, according to the BoE.

But right now, here’s the #1 most important insight you need to understand at times like this:

Though we’ve never seen intervention on this scale before…

We HAVE seen three distinct times in history when something like this has occurred…

When social and financial panics such as this were met with money printing and interference in the economy…

And they’ve always led to the same thing: A huge bull market in gold and gold stocks.

"I think history is repeating itself".

That’s why gold has been rising since March.

It’s why gold stocks are starting to jump higher.

And it’s why right now could be your last chance to position yourself before gold gets A LOT more expensive.
"If you play this right, you could benefit greatly in the years to come".

In some rare cases in the past, we’ve seen gains of 474% to 900% in a little under two years from the types of gold stocks we’re looking at.

History could be about to repeat itself…

There have been three times in the past when we’ve seen anything to compare to this:

  • First, in the Great Depression…
  • Second, in the chaos of the 1970s following the Vietnam War… 
  • And third, immediately after the banking crisis in 2008.

Each panic varied in size and severity. But they were all met with a similar response:

A huge intervention in the economy — in the form of stimulus, money printing and large-scale bailouts…

More than that, those interventions forced governments to rewrite the rules of the financial system in order to adjust to the new reality.

All of which ultimately sent the price of gold (and other critical commodities) through the roof.

Take a look at this chart of gold (inflation adjusted) exploding higher after the 1930s…in the 1970s…and after 2008…

Understanding why that is might just be the single most important thing you can do for yourself, your family and your savings right now.

Because all the signs point to history repeating itself in the coming months.

Take a closer look at the three historical gold bull markets with direct parallels to today…

Gold Bull Market #1:
The Great Depression’s Greatest Secret

October 1929…
The Great Depression began with ‘Black Thursday’ — as the stock market in the US lost 11% of its value at the opening bell.

The selling intensified…and quickly spread around the world.

Soon every economy in the world was staring down the barrel of a brutal economic downturn…followed by mass unemployment…civil unrest…and huge social instability.

Faced with economic Armageddon, the Australian authorities did what governments always do…

          They sacrificed the                                       currency....

"The Great Depression broke that peg.
The Aussie pound left the gold standard…and almost overnight dropped in value by 30% against the pound.
But the panic didn’t stop there.
And nor did the devaluations…
Soon, foreign institutions were demanding their gold back from British gold vaults.
The outflows of gold forced the UK government to take action. It took Britain off the gold standard and devalued its currency".

"Back then, we used Australian pounds — which were ‘pegged’ to the British pound, which in turn was tied to gold.

It’s a little-known side story of the Great Depression.

Most people only understand the Depression in very general terms: The crash, the banking failures, unemployment, strike action, the rise of the Nazis, the Second World War.

They don’t understand perhaps the most important part of what happened: The sudden re-ordering of the financial system and the spike in the price of gold.

Between 1931 and 1934, virtually every major nation on the planet sought to manipulate the value of its currency down.

Britain was first. The US followed. Then the rest of the world…

In 1931, an ounce of gold would have set you back US$20.

After the war, it was $35.

In other words, the dollar dropped off a cliff.                                 The same was true in France…

In China…


In other words: Governments intervened to fight the crisis…devalued their currencies…a new currency system emerged…and gold soared.

Not only that, certain gold stocks went to the Moon — even as other stocks crashed.

Take a look at this chart below: 


It shows what happened in the US markets in the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash of 1929.

The red line tracks the Dow. As you can see, it collapsed in late 1929. But just check out the black line.

It shows what happened to the share price of Homestake, then America’s premier gold miner.

When the crash devastated the markets, Homestake did get momentarily dragged down with everything else.

But as the Dow continued its decline in 1930, Homestake went through the roof.

Between 1929 and 1933, shares in Homestake rose 474%. That would have turned a 10,000 pound stake into more than 50,000 pounds (excluding trading costs) — during the worst economic downturn in history.And Homestake was not the only mining stock to jump. If you were willing to speculate and put a little capital into higher risk gold miners…you could have made tens of thousands of pounds in profit.

This graph compares the performance of the two outstanding gold miners, Homestake and Dome Mines, against regular stocks between 1929 and 1933...

As you can see, the Dow got pummelled by a collapsing credit bubble — losing 73% of its value. Meanwhile, ‘supply kings’ Homestake and Dome Mines rose 474% and 558% respectively.
Now, those stocks were both listed in the US, not Australia. We didn’t even have an official stock market until 1938.
But that’s the beauty of gold. It’s the same everywhere. It’s ‘God’s currency’, as they say. An ounce of gold in the US is the same as an ounce of gold right here in Australia.
And while there are never any guarantees of a repeat — looking at the data available to us — history indicates that there’s a very simple recurring pattern…
  1. A crisis strikes.
  2. Governments respond with devaluations, bailouts and money printing.
  3. Gold soars in response.
  4. And certain gold stocks go to the Moon.
It wasn’t the first time. And I’m sure it won’t be the last…

Gold Bull Market #2:Stocks down, gold UP

To create a new prosperity without war…’
That’s how Richard Nixon described his decision to take the US dollar off the gold standard in 1971.
It’s now known as the Nixon Shock.
It was the same story as the 1930s…
The Vietnam War had put the US under huge financial strain.
And so Nixon was forced to take the global financial system off the dollar.
That unleashed a huge binge of government spending…borrowing…and money printing.
Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel called it ‘the greatest failure of American macroeconomic policy in the post-war period’.
And it led to a wave of instability…volatility…social disorder…and inflation.
We got our own taste of this right here in Australia.
Between 1970 and 1981, inflation soared — crushing savers and wiping out billions of dollars in real wealth.
For much of that period, stocks were crushed.
Between 1969 and 1976, the All Ordinaries crashed by 34%.
But what happened to the dollar in your pocket was even worse…
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, inflation in the 1970s sent the price of everyday goods soaring a staggering 194%!
That means what cost you $10 in the 1970s set you back $29.50 by the end of 1981.
What does that do to the real value of your savings?
If you can bear to look, just consider this chart of the true value of a dollar through the 1970s and beyond…

Inflation was rampant.

It seemed like every time you turned your back, bank savings lost more of their value.

Every single day, you became a little poorer.
Unless you understood history.
Unless you knew what was really happening.
Unless you owned enough gold to offset the damage.
The world didn’t end in the 1970s, but double-digit inflation, oil price shocks, a weak dollar, and political instability made investors fearful and nervous. With rising fear and uncertainty investors bought more gold, since it is a tangible store of wealth. As the ’70s drew to a close, people stampeded to own it".

It happened once – and it could happen again.’

Between 1970 and 1980, gold prices soared by 1,607%.

And gold stocks?

Some of them soared.

Here’s a sample of the performance of some overseas gold stocks between the end of 1978 and the peak of the mania in September 1980 (excluding trading costs).


Look at smaller gold and silver stocks around the world, and you’ll see just how profitable the mania was for some speculators willing to take a risk, and who bought and sold at the right time.
In fact, for some very small stocks — and many in the list below are American and Canadian — we can only roughly calculate the gains, since they were so volatile.

Stock & Ticker
NRD Mining – NMN
Silverstack Mines – SVR
Banner Resources – BSS
Carolin Mines – CLL
United Hearne Resources – UHR
Consolidated Cinola Mines – CSZ
Cusac Industries – CQC
Copper Lake Explorations – CKX
Balmoral Mines – BME
New Cinch Uranium – NCU
Joutel Copper Mines – JTL
Page Petroleum – PGE
United Westland Resources – UWR
Twin Richfield Oils – TWR
Bearcat Explorations – BEA
Futurity Oils – FTY
Canadian Bashaw – CNB
Arizona Silver Corp – ARZ
Dumagami Mines – DM1
QMG Holdings – QMG

Keep in mind: Not all gold stocks performed like these. Gains like that are extraordinary. And you would’ve had to brave some extremely high volatility — and take a high-risk punt — to generate gains like that.
But at times like this, everything is volatile.
Just stepping out the door feels risky.
Yet the perfect mix of runaway inflation, loose money and political unrest sent some gold stocks to the Moon — rewarding speculators and risk takers.
While there’s no guarantee that we’ll see similar results from gold miners in Australia now, you can certainly see that this followed the same pattern again.
A panic. Intervention on a huge scale. Money printing. A new financial system. And a massive gold and gold stocks bull market.
And it happened again in 2008.

Gold Bull Market #3:
Banks crash, gold soars

In 2008, Lehman Brothers went to the wall.

The US authorities responded with a monetary bazooka…the biggest round of bailouts in history.

In the space of a few short months, central banks around the world pumped trillions into the financial system, led by the US Federal Reserve.

Just as in the 1930s and 1970s, that sent gold and other commodities on a tear.

Here’s what happened to the gold price (in US dollars) post 2008:


And certain gold stocks shot up even quicker.

Not all, but take US gold miner Royal Gold, for instance. It soared four times in the next decade.

And some Australian mining stocks got in on the party this time around!

Alkane Resources traded at just 27 cents on 18 June 2010. Yet less than a year later on 21 April, it had gone vertical — up to $2.51. That’s more than 900% in less than a year.

Or take Saracen Minerals. On 19 September 2008, it traded at just nine cents… By 18 November 2011, it had soared more than eightfold.

Now, given what you’ve just seen…consider what is happening in the financial system right now.
  • The Federal Reserve has committed to unlimited money printing in a new QE program…and committed $1 trillion every day in emergency ‘repo’ funding…

  • Our own government is already pumping an enormous volume of cash into the economy…with $200 billion in new spending and borrowing. (That’s equal to 10% of the entire economy…in one shot.)

  • The ECB has launched a mammoth 750 billion euro money-printing program.

  • Germany has freed its state bank to lend out an additional $610 billion to ‘cushion’ the impact.

  • China has pumped $79 billion of extra stimulus into its economy.

  • The US government has created a $2 trillion ‘rescue package’ for Americans…which may involve mailing cheques to everyone in the post. 

  • The UK government has begun pumping taxpayer money into the economy…with a total of 330 billion pounds committed so far.

All of this has happened in 2020 alone.
New measures are being announced all the time.
It’s hard to add up the total cost, because there’s just so much ‘stimulus’ happening. But as I showed you earlier, Reuters has recorded a sum of at least $15 trillion.
To put that into perspective, in today’s dollar terms, fighting the Second World War cost America $4 trillion.
In other words: The COVID-19 ‘stimulus’ packages are nearly four times more expensive than the costliest war in history.
And we’re only five months in! 
Now ask yourself:

Exactly where is all thatmoney going to come from?

It won’t come from tax receipts…which are likely to fall off a cliff too.
And thanks to the policies implemented after the financial crisis, the world is already awash in debt.

So it’ll simply be ‘created’.
Globally, the bill will run into the tens of trillions of dollars.
Anyone who tells you that it won’t have serious consequences is either a liar or a madman.We’re witnessing the death of the old monetary system…and the rapid emergence of something new and dangerous.

Ask yourself:
Can things really go back to ‘normal’ after this?
Can things really go back to the way they were?

Can we really expect no CONSEQUENCES of what we’re seeing?
We both know the answers to those questions.
And as I’ve just shown you, the lessons of history are clear:

The conditions we’re seeing right now are a perfect storm for gold.

I’m not talking about a short-term rally. Or a 10% ‘pop’ higher over a few months.
If I’m right, we could be looking at one of the biggest gold booms OF ALL TIME.And you know what?

It has already begun

Look at gold any way you like and you see it’s ALREADY at all-time highs:
In Aussie dollars…all-time highs:
In British pounds…all-time highs:

In euros…all-time highs:

How long before gold hits all-time highs in US dollars?
Well, after the last crisis, it took around three years — from 2009 to 2012 — before gold had smashed through its all-time high…

This time, with the chaos we’re seeing in the markets and the rampant money printing from just about every central bank in the world…it could be a hell of a lot quicker.
In fact, gold is already up 16% in USD terms since its March lows.
I’m ready to capitalise on that.
In fact, I can’t remember a better time than right now to load up on gold and a handful of specific speculative gold investments.
Now, I know that lots of people will say that the best way to capitalise on a gold bull market is to buy physical gold, in the form of bullion or coins.
After all, it seems like the logical thing to do when the gold price is going up.
And it makes sense.
Though I believe it means you could miss some of the bigger, faster gains of the bull market.
To capture them, history tells us you have to look beyond bullion…and consider swiftly building a portfolio of other gold investments, particularly certain gold miners primed to explode higher…
And that’s not easy. Nor is it risk-free. Gold mining stocks are speculative and can be highly risky. There’s no guarantee that the historical examples will be repeated. You should not speculate on these types of stocks with money you can’t afford to lose.
  1. A small-cap gold explorer on the verge of turning an old 500,000-ounce site into a 1.8 million-ounce site in WA. Mining legend Eric Sprott recently dumped nearly two million bucks of his own money into this firm, such is its awesome potential...
  2. A mid-cap producer that just started pouring gold — also out in WA. This company is sitting on a confirmed 3.9 million-ounce resource — so its growth prospects look great in a bull market. But it also happens to be one of Australia’s cheapest gold miners, currently...
  3. A big gold producer that’s actually EXPLORING. This is a big deal. Most big gold miners leave the exploring to the little guys these days. But this Kalgoorlie-based miner has big plans...and already its gold reserves are up 32% after last year through exploration. If this continues, the company’s share price could rise very nicely in the next two years...
  4. A well-known large-cap Aussie gold miner that pays a DIVIDEND... It’s one of the few that does, which is noteworthy enough. But I love this stock because not only is it one of the biggest gold miners in the world, it’s currently cashed up, has low costs, is on the lookout for takeover targets, and its share price has been beaten down recently, making it an absolute bargain right now, in my book...
  5. An ETF that tracks the gold price in Aussie dollars... Why not US dollars, you ask? Because the AUD has been so weak recently, any rise is likely to be higher and faster in response to the underlying asset price than a USD-based ETF. If you’re just looking to get quick exposure to a rising Aussie dollar gold price, this is the ETF you want.
Take your gold investing to the next level!!

While the coronavirus IS a ‘black swan’, it’s incorrect to say that no one anticipated the market meltdown or the authorities’ response to it.

Plenty of people did.

And his most arresting argument right now

Global debt going into this crisis stood at US$100 trillion. A number so colossal, you can’t really wrap your head around it.
Practically speaking, this debt is never getting repaid.
And remember: Global debt is going to EXPLODE higher on the back of the coronavirus crisis.
Governments know this but won’t acknowledge it. They think it’s okay to borrow more and more because ‘we all owe it to each other and it’s fine’.
But the market will wake up to reality sooner or later and when it does, gold will attain a much greater market share relative to the US dollar.
What does that mean, exactly?
it means that gold should revert to its ‘three-decade mean’ of about 1.5% of all investable assets in the United States.
This may not mean a lot to you, so let me just say that if that happens, demand for gold could quadruple or even quintuple in fairly short order.
All it would take is for confidence in the US dollar to slide...and not by much.
 Expecting a rush into gold  ‘craziness’ in the bond market.
Gold stands for everything this ‘craziness’ is not, as it represents prudence, it represents independence, it represents responsibility...’
In other words: All the things the authorities have thrown out the window to fight the coronavirus crisis.
Even if physical gold ownership goes up by fractions of a percent, the effect on the gold price could be huge.
 Are you starting to see a common thread?
Whether you look at the lessons of history…
Or speak to internationally respected investors…
Or focus on today’s price action…
All roads lead back to gold.
And I’m not the only one who believes a much higher gold price is coming...
  • Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones said in June last year that gold was his favourite trade for the next 12 to 24 months. Jones says ‘gold has everything going for it’ right now. And if interest rates in the US continue their trajectory towards zero, ‘gold in that situation is going to scream...’
  • Billionaire investor Sam Zell announced last January: ‘For the first time in my life, I bought gold because it is a good hedge... Supply is shrinking, and that is going to have a positive impact on the price.
  • Then last July, billionaire investor Ray Dalio told investors in a LinkedIn post: ‘I believe that it would be both risk-reducing and return-enhancing to consider adding gold to one’s portfolio...’
  • Last August, renowned gold market strategist Jim Rickards said a ‘$10,000 gold price is coming.’
Do NOT ignore this and Wake up to what’s happening.

And take decisive action to not only protect yourself if we see another huge round of devaluations…but potentially make a killing from the anticipated gold boom!!

These ‘5 Gold Investments to Make Now’ — is a great starting point for that.

If you’re into gold not only is Australia the world’s second largest gold producer, we also have more known gold resources than any other country in the world.

Around 16% of all the gold on the planet is buried under our beautiful red Aussie earth.
Image result for a free cartoon image of a Kangaroo  gold        Article Researched and edited by Vickispot 


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