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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Sell Your Own Ad Space Directly to Advertisers!!

Sell Your Own Ad Space Directly to Advertisers

You can attempt to sell your own ad space directly to advertisers, but unless your blog is established with a sizable audience, it can be difficult to manage and make money selling ad space directly.  Fortunately, there are sites like BuySellAds.com that link online publishers (like bloggers) up with online advertisers to make selling your ad space easier. 

1.  Advertising

Including advertisements on your blog is the most obvious way to derive an income from your blogging efforts. Ads can come in the form of text links or banner ads, and advertising options are available that you can easily tap into through pay-per-click, pay-per-post and affiliate programs online.Google AdSenseAmazon Associates,eBay Affiliates and Pay-Per-Post are just a few of the most common advertising programs available to bloggers.

2.  Merchandise

Another simple way to monetize your blog is by selling merchandise through a service such as CafePress www.CafePress.com who will work with you to create custom items for you to sell through your blog.

3.  Reviews
Bloggers can make money by reviewing products, events, businesses and more through blog posts.

4.  Ebooks 

A great way to bring in some revenue on your blog is by writing an ebook and offering it for sale through your blog.                                                                                                   Ebooks are particularly successful for bloggers who are experts in their fields and advertise their ebooks as additional or exclusive information just for readers of their blogs.
Definition: An eBook is an online version of a book. Usually much shorter in the number of pages when compared to a traditional printed and bound book.                                           
EBooks are useful as they can contain bookmarks that make it easy to jump to specific sections, they may contain colorful illustrations, they can contain active links to websites and you can print only the pages you want.
EBooks can be published for a fraction of the cost of publishing a traditional book they are typically far less expensive to buy than a traditional paper back or hard cover book.
In many cases, eBooks are offered free as a form of business promotion.
Most ebooks that are available on websites are published in PDF format. PDF format is very popular because Adobe Reader and other software that provides the ability to open PDF documents is now typically included on every computer sold and PDF's can easily be read on both Windows PCs and Macs. PDF eBooks therefore make it easy to open and read the material without needing to download any software or have any special hardware, such as an eBook reader.                                                                                                               Many readers find eBooks to be more convenient than bound books, especially for information that changes frequently. The time to publish eBooks can be as little as a few minutes once the content is properly formatted. There for, eBook publishers can distribute updated versions easily and inexpensively.                                                                    Selling eBooks online is one type of home business that is popular with those who want to generate income from the Internet while working from home.                                     Because eBooks are transmitted electronically, there is no need to carry a physical inventory of books for sale.
5.  Donations
You can easily set up a donation button through PayPal. Just sign up for a PayPal account and follow the simple instructions on the PayPal Donations web pages to obtain the code that will link to your PayPal account. Next, you'll simply copy and paste the code into your blog (most people do this in an easy way by putting it on the blog's sidebar so it appears on as many pages as possible).
Once the code is inserted in your blog, the donation button will appear automatically. When a reader clicks on the donation button on your blog, they'll be taken to your personal PayPal donation page. Whatever money they donate, will be deposited directly into the bank account you chose during your set up process through PayPal.
It's important to understand that a donation button is not likely to bring much revenue, but it's simple enough to add to your blog that it's worth the few minutes of effort it takes to get it up and running.

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