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Wednesday 29 July 2015

What is a Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page is a web page that carries one single objective. Normally, this is to build a mailing list through an opt-in form.
The squeeze page is usually where marketers attempt to send all new traffic to their site. Purchased advertising, like pay-per-click, allows the landing page to be chosen, so frequently these clicks (visitors) are sent directly to squeeze pages instead of to sales pages.
Search traffic, in contrast cannot be directed to a specific page. There is a general feeling among online marketers that squeeze pages generate better long term profits and sending visitors directly to sales pages although this can depend on the industry and the quality of the squeeze page.
A squeeze page is effective because it has just one purpose. Links and other content are usually limited or non-existent. This reduces distractions for readers and helps them focus on the offer that you are making. Readers need to weigh carefully the cost and benefit relationship you are offering. Usually a high value newsletter is offered in exchange for the reader providing their email address. Email marketing is a great way to build your online business.
In order to increase opt-in rates, many marketers will offer incentives in return for an email subscription. These incentives can include e-books, videos, audio or trial access to a software application. These incentives are almost always offered for free.
Also Known As: landing page

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